An Enquiry Into the Causes of the Late Increase of Robbers

Auteur : Henry FIELDING
N° ISBN : 2-85816-106-2 (978-2-85816-106-5)
Format et nombre de pages : 18,5 x 24 cm – 113 p.
Année : 1989
Réf. : TEX 01


Catégorie :

This pamphet is the most important contribution of Fielding as a magistrate to a study of eighteenth-century society. It is based on personal observation and experience, and deals with some of the origins of crime in relationship with poThis pamphet is the most important contribution of Fielding as a magistrate to a study of eighteenth-century society. It is based on personal observation and experience, and deals with some of the origins of crime in relationship with poverty, with « gin-drinking », with luxury, which he denouces as a social vice.verty, with « gin-drinking », with luxury, which he denouces as a social vice.

Introduction et commentaires de Georges Lamoine


Henry Fielding, né le 22 avril 1707 à Sharpham Park près de Glastonbury et mort le 8 octobre 1754 à Lisbonne, est un romancier, dramaturge, poète et journaliste anglais.